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"Sometimes, women are their own worst enemy," said Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss. "We think about all the things we can't do, the things we're not good enough at, and all the reasons we shouldn't go for it; we need to go big and support other women who are doing the same."

Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) encounter a variety of challenges—some related to gender, some not. While half of all Bachelor's degrees in STEM fields are earned by women, women earn fewer STEM doctoral degrees than men, and most of the leadership positions in the industry and academia are still held by men.

While men still receive a higher proportion of doctoral degrees across all scientific and engineering fields (53.8%, versus 46.2% for women ), this gap has narrowed since the mid-1980s. (There was a 31.4% gap in 1985.)

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