Improve your mind, body and spirit.
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- Category: Wellness
Pelvic floor disorders result when the muscles and connective tissue within the pelvic cavity weaken, tense, or are injured, and are often perpetuated due to our lack of brain body connection to our pelvic floor. But what are the benefits of seeing a pelvic floor PT, like the one found at Women's+ Health Collective? Here are just a few:
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- Category: Wellness
A new school year is right around the bend, meaning there are a number of things families can do to ensure they're kickstarting the school year off right.
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- Category: Wellness
Menopause can significantly impact a woman's sex life. However, there are effective solutions to reclaim intimacy and feel like yourself again.
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- Category: Wellness
Mind Body Baby expanding to form The Collective, a space offering community access to like-minded providers, professionals, childcare and more.
Mind Body Baby, the award-winning fertility, prenatal, postpartum, and children's yoga and barre studio founded by Heidi McDowell, will celebrate the Grand Opening of their new one-of-a-kind facility—The Mind Body Baby Collective—on August 4, 2024.
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- Category: Wellness