
Recent Career Articles

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An engineering firm. A brewery. Restaurants. Design firms. A housing development company ... A diverse range of West Michigan businesses are already taking strides to make positive social and environmental impact in the community through Good for Grand Rapids, an initiative that brings together and celebrates companies using business as a force for good.

Undergraduate degree: Check! Masters degree: Check! Experience in corporate America working with business owners: Check! That may sound like the foundation for success when it comes to launching a business, but there's much more to it than that.

Leadership development is a lifelong quest; it's an art, a discipline, a balance of many traits. One challenge for leaders is how to be authentic in the difficult situations we face each day.

Do you have good employee retention? Up until this past year, I would have said we do.

Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW)—a nonprofit organization that empowers women entrepreneurs to launch, advance and sustain their business through various stages of ownership—is rolling up its sleeves and getting to work with new and redesigned training programs and business counseling.

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