
Recent Wellness Articles

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Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the U.S., killing 314,186 women in 2020 and one person about every 34 seconds in the U.S. today, according to the CDC. And while February is dedicated to shining a spotlight on heart health, it's a subject that's worth paying attention to year round.

When it comes to getting the most exercise bang for your buck, strength training reigns supreme. Not only does it help you tone and maintain lean muscle mass—vital for an effective metabolism and everyday function as you age—it strengthens bones and decreases risk of injury.

A new study has proven what dedicated mall walkers have known all along: Walking is really good for you.

It's no surprise smoking tobacco isn't a healthy habit. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking causes an estimated 480,000 deaths every year (about one in five deaths). And now, a new study led by ACS researchers found the number of U.S. adults who were working toward quitting smoking seriously declined immediately after the onset of COVID-19 and persisted for over a year.

Choosing a health care plan for you and your family can be overwhelming. There's so much to consider, it almost seems like an impossible task. Thankfully, there are some incredibly helpful tips available to assist in your decision making as enrollment gets underway. To learn more, we got in touch with Carrie Kincaid, Senior Vice President of Market Development for Priority Health for her insight.

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