
Recent Career Articles

Explore what success in the workplace means to you.

Motivated individuals rise to the top. Motivation doesn't just happen: It is an intentional act taken by the most successful members of our society. Michelle Steffes, Certified Coach/Business Consultant/Speaker/Trainer at IPV Consulting has put together what she refers to as the 5 Whys and 5 Hows of Motivation (for Success).

The Michigan Women's Foundation, Davenport University and Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW) have created a conference for female entrepreneurs. Entrepreneur YOU will be held Friday, March 4, at Davenport University's Sneden Center from 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Come spend your day with other successful West Michigan businesswomen and unleash your entrepreneurial talent!

"It's time to stop talking. It's time to take action. We need to start today!" These are the words of Becky Puckett-Wood, managing director at Experis. While women make up more then 50 percent of the global workforce, less than 25 percent of these women hold senior management roles. These percentages are not going to fix themselves. Puckett-Wood says organizations need to take deliberate action and have a plan to achieve our goal of conscious inclusion.

Changing careers is a challenging process. You will need the right mindset, knowledge, and networking skills to move forward.  

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