
Recent Wellness Articles

Improve your mind, body and spirit.

Wellness- Marathon PrepThe road ahead is long, especially if you're just starting your marathon training. Sports medicine expert Dr. Kristi Kern says the key to distance running success is setting a goal and hitting the trail.

Wellness-DanceTo add to my repertoire of offerings in yoga, movement, personal growth and wellness, I signed up for the weeklong JourneyDance training held in Boston with creator Toni Bergins. The experience was beyond a "simple training” but rather about BEing fully alive. Whether it is an hour class, or entire week, being fully alive is an incredible space to be in!  

Wellness-Emergecny ResponseMost of us know to apply pressure to a cut to cease bleeding or not to move someone who may have a back injury, but would you know how to react if your tooth got knocked out, a spider bit you, or your neighbor fell off the roof and got knocked out? Better safe than sorry, as the old saying goes. Read on for proper procedures.

Wellness-Breakfast RecipesSpringing forward an hour can leave you sleepy and disoriented for days, which is exactly what women don't need in the midst of trying to get ready and out the door on time every morning. Make breakfast easy using these five ideas for a meal full of healthful substance. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day for jump-starting your metabolism.

Tuesday: Get your potassium and coffee fix too!
Coffee Banana Smoothie
½ cup cooled brewed coffee
½ cup skim milk, almond milk, soy milk, etc.
½ medium banana
handful of ice
Blend until smooth

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