
Hormone Symptoms: Brain Fog

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Do you ever have that moment when you are talking with someone or working on a task and your mind just goes blank? As women, we feel that we always need to be on our "A" game, so brain fog is not welcome.

The question is: How can we help resolve the issue of brain fog?

Brain fog, also commonly known as brain fatigue, can be a mild to severe episode of mental confusion that can strike without warning. When this occurs, it is common to experience a lack of focus, poor memory recall and reduced mental acuity.

Fluctuating hormones such as estradiol, testosterone and thyroid can cause brain fog. These three hormones help with maintaining memory and keeping the sense of brain fog at bay.

Nutritional deficiencies can also be a cause. Strong brain function relies on proper levels of magnesium, vitamin B12 and amino acids in the body. When these nutrients are deficient, or the body is dehydrated, brain fog can occur.

Talk to your provider or give Rivertown Compounding Pharmacy a call to see how we can assist you in getting the clarity back in your life.

Tips to help your brain:

  • Change your diet. Gluten sensitivity is linked to brain fog.
  • Take supplements that promote your brain: magnesium, B-vitamins and CoQ10.
  • Sleep more.
  • Exercise. (Anything is better than nothing.)
  • Chill out. (It's OK to have 10 minutes of "you time" every day.)
  • Drink plenty of water. (1/2 your body weight in ounces.)

This article was republished with permission and originally appeared on rivertowncompoundingpharmacy.com.

Written by Paige Vasquez CPhT.

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